Generally, most of the VPN providers have a barrier that you can browse 1GB or 512MB etc. Second, you can get unlimited VPN for free. First, you do not have to install any third party extension in order to get VPN and browse anonymously. There are mainly two advantages of having VPN in Opera web browser. Although, this has not been launched yet, you can use the VPN if you have Opera Developer browser. However, Opera is currently testing in-built VPN service in their web browser. You can certainly download some third party extension/add-on in order to get VPN in almost any web browser. However, if you open Spotify website after using VPN, you can certainly open the actual welcome page. Therefore, if you open Spotify website from India, you will get an error message. For example, Spotify is not available in India and many other countries.

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, which helps users to unlock locked website by changing the public IP address of your computer. VPN in web browser is not a new thing but native VPN is very unique as all the other browsers do not have such feature for the user. For example, currently they are testing VPN in their browser. Opera also launch beta version to test new features. For example, you can find Opera Mini for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Windows Phone and more others.Īlike some other standard web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc. At the same time, Opera has launched their browser for almost all the platforms that current people have. On the other hand, it consumes very less memory and these are the primary reasons, why people are opting for Opera web browsers. No matter whether your internet speed is fast or slow but you can get a comparatively higher speed than your actual browsing speed. Opera is one of the best web browsers, which has been used by thousands of people from across the globe.